need to know where is the fuel pump relay located on a 1994 Chevy cavalier? Changed fuel pump and fuel filter, not starting when turning ignition. need to know where is the fuel pump relay located on a 1994 Chevy cavalier? Changed fuel pump and fuel filter, not starting when turning ignition. A. the fuel pump relay is located under the hood on the passenger side. its on a block of three there are two that are black. one of the black ones is your fuel pump relay. When you change your fuel pump you always want to change your fuel pump relay.
ware is the fuel pump pop off switch
in the fuse box under the hood. it will be marked.
I have a 93 Chevy Beretta and mine is located INSIDE my fuel tank so I would look there. in the fuel tank
how many fuel injectors are in a Chevy cavalier
There is no such thing as a relay flasher. It is either a relay or a flasher. Are you referring to the turn signal flasher or an actual relay like the fuel pump relay? Please advise.
fuel pressure reg throttle position or ASD relay
Its in the under hood relay block, on the driverside behind the air filter box. The relays themselves should be labeled.
I had a 1994 Chevy Cavalier 2.2L with the same problem. There is no hidden fuse for it just the main fuse in the fuse panel & a relay under the hood on the passenger side. It's been my experience that when this happens it is usually the fuel pump relay or your ECC. in my case it was the relay. I would have the relay checked first...... and also check for broken wires going to the relay.
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i need to find location of fuel filter on 1993 Chevy cavalier
Blown you'll pump fuse, defective fuel pump relay, fuel filter totally clogged, or fuel pump itself is defective.