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I have a 1988 Toyota 4-runner,and the fuel pump is in the tank. It is very easy to change. All you have to do is just lift up your back seat and on the passengers side there is a compartment with 3 screws. Then you take out the screws,pop off the cover, and there is your fuel pump! cowgirlunlimited

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Q: Where is the fuel pump on a 1988 Toyota 4Runner?
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How do you replace a fuel pump on a 1987 Toyota 4runner?

Under the rear seat right side lift the carpet. There is an access panel there to pull and replace the pump.

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There is no inertia switch. It will either be the relay under the hood or a short in power to the fuel pump.

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i believe fuiel filter and fuiel pump is one unit inside the gastan for 2003 Toyota 4 runner V8.

How do you test and replace the fuel pump on a 1997 Toyota 4Runner if needed?

On some 4runners they are under the rear driver seat. Sorry that's all I have for you so far.

Where is the fuel filter on 1997 Toyota 4Runner 4 cylinder?

In the motor, behind the power steering pump, hidden under the metallic manifold. It took Me a while to fin it.

Where is the fuel pump located on a 1988 Toyota tercel?

fuel pump is manual and sitting on top of engine,by the distribitor.behind the valve cover.(Can be traced from fuel filter near lower part of brake boster.)