On a 1992 Ford Bronco : The electric fuel pump is INSIDE the fuel tank
The fuel pump is located in the tank
how do I replace a fuel pump on a 1993 Ford Bronco 302 5.0 L
If it is the same as the ( 1996 ) Ford Bronco : ( Relay # 2 is the fuel pump relay )
On a 1996 Ford Bronco : The ELECTRIC fuel pump is INSIDE the fuel tank * it is installed through an access hole in the top of the tank
In the tank
i hardwired my fuel pump so tada flip a switch and fuel pump is on
Could be a fuse, could be the fuel pump relay.
No, it is a manual fuel pump mounted on the engine block.
In the gas tank
in the gas tank
Where is the fuel pump located on a 1982 Dodge Ram?