Up to 95 the pump is in the tank and can be accessed from a plate in the trunk/back under the carpet. If you think your pump has failed check the six connections on the top for corrosion first as the power for the level sensor is here as well as the pump power. You may have to replace the pump cradle with level sensor but the pump should be O.K.
The fuel pump should be located inside of the gas tank
Inside fuel tank.
in the gas tank
the fuel pump is inside of the gas tank
In the fuel tank - under the back seat
Where can I locate the fuel filter on a 1997 Nissan Pathfinder?
The water pump on a 2001 Nissan Pathfinder is located in next to the engine. It is on the passenger side of the cylinder block.
Mounted on top and inside the fuel tank.
The fuel pump is inside the fuel tank. Obtain the proper repair manual for the procedure, or take it to a reputable mechanic.
The fuel pump is located in the fuel tank.
There are a couple of reasons why a Nissan Pathfinder could be sputtering. The sputtering can be from bad gas or a bad fuel pump.