On a 2003 Ford Ranger , 3.0 and 4.0 liter V6 engine : firewall 3 - 6 2 - 5 1 - 4 front of vehicle
right rear corner of the intake manifold near the firewall
The 1992 Ford Ranger ICM is located on the firewall in the engine compartment. The ICM will be on the drivers side of the firewall.
It is under the dash on the passenger sidej right beside the firewall.
The 1985 Ford Ranger smog pump is located on the firewall in the engine compartment. The smog pump will be on the drivers side of the firewall.
Ya what about it??? 2003 ford ranger got an extented cab... if that's what ur hoping!!
Yes, a 2003 Ford Ranger tailgate will fit a 1993 Ford Ranger. As of July 2013, the average price of a new tailgate for a Ford Ranger is around $160, plus tax and shipping.
The pcm computer is mounted on the firewall on a 2000 Ford Ranger. It is on the passenger side under the hood.
The 1989 Ford Ranger pickup truck ignition module is located on the firewall in the engine compartment. The ignition module will be on the drivers side of the firewall.
On the firewall on the pass side.
The 2003 Ford Ranger SuperCab is ( 73.8 liters / 19.5 U.S. gallons )
How can you shut off your anti theft alarm on a 2003 Ford Ranger