For a 1998 with 4.0L V8, it's located on the driver's side of the radiator. There is a hole about 1- 1/2" in diameter through which you can use a 19mm socket and extension to turn the plug CCW to open.
Where is the speed sensor located on a 1997 Oldsmobile Aurora
Most of the relays for the 1997 Oldsmobile Aurora are under the back seat on the drivers side.
where are the fuel injectors in a 1997 oldsmobile aurora
remove and replace water pump in 1997 Oldsmobile aurora
Are there any major differances between a 1996 and 1997 Oldsmobile Aurora
The body control module, on your 1997 Oldsmobile, is located on the rear suspension. The module is mounted on the passenger side of the rear axle.
It is located just under the dash on the drivers side near the steering column.
Most GM fuel filters are behind the driver, under the frame.
The transmission sifter interlock solenoid location on a 1997 Oldsmobile Achieva is on the valve body. To reach it the drain pan and filter has to be removed.
The Owner's Manual and Operating Instruction for the 1997 Oldsmobile Aurora is offered on Manual Owl as a PDF. The website provides product manuals free.
1 in each cylinder...........