Replace the coolant temp sensor next to the thermostat housing.
Drain off about 2 qts of coolant from radiator petcock after engine has cooled. Unplug wire harness from sensor. Remove sensor with a counterclockwise motion. Coat new sensor with a thread sealant and install until snug. Reconnect harness and refill coolant reservoir. Recheck coolant level after useage.
where is the coolant sensor on a 1984 s10 blazer 2.8 6 cylender
The coolant temp sensor on a 2003 Chevy S10 V6 is located on the front of the intake manifold. To replace simply unscrew the old sensor and screw on the new one.
The engine coolant temp (ECT) sensor on that 97 S10 2.2L would be found close to the thermostat.
Next to the thermostat housing.
It has 1 coolant sensor, 1 temperature sensor
knock sensor
It is on the cylinder head near the thermostat housing.
A faulty engine coolant temp sensor can cause that.
Replace the engine coolant temp sensor.