The coolant temp sensor on a 2003 Chevy S10 V6 is located on the front of the intake manifold. To replace simply unscrew the old sensor and screw on the new one.
After the catalytic converter.
The one the ecm reads is located right next to the thermostat housing.
It is in the intake manifold near the thermostat housing. It is the one with the yellow and black wires.
The IAT sensor is located in the air duct just past the air cleaner box.
Should be between #3 and #5 spark plug on the drivers side.
On the 4.3L it is located next to the thermostat housing. The electrical plug to it has two wires.
where is the coolant sensor on a 1984 s10 blazer 2.8 6 cylender
The 1994 S10 uses a MAP sensor, not a MAF sensor. We need to know size engine you have in that S10.
The engine coolant temp (ECT) sensor on that 97 S10 2.2L would be found close to the thermostat.
Next to the thermostat housing.