it is located approx, under passengers floorboard in front. good-day !
The oxygen sensors in a 2005 Chevy Malibu are in the exhaust system. You'll find them at the end of the down pipes and behind the catalytic converter.
Plugged catalytic converter?
the upstream o2 sensor is mounted in the exhaust before the catalytic converter and the downstream sensor is after the cat. conver.
A catalytic converter on a 2001 Chevy Venture van is located under the vehicle. Follow the exhaust pipe from the engine to the rear of the vehicle. The large object connected to the exhaust pipes between the engine, and the muffler at the rear, is your catalytic converter.
After the catalytic converter.
It is located in the catalytic converter
look under you Chevy and locate the catalytic converter. Your 02 sensors are located before and after the catalytic converter on your muffler. See 1 or 2?
just ahead of the catalytic converter
There are multiple O2 sensors on a 2002 Chevy truck. They are all located on the exhaust system. There will be pre catalytic converter and post catalytic converter sensors.
In the exhaust system before the catalytic converter.
The catalytic converter is found in the exhaust system between the engine and the muffler.
The catalytic converter resembles a muffler and is located in the exhaust system between the engine and the muffler.