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engine compartment, left side firewall behind / under the washer reservoir. have fun!

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Q: Where is the blower motor on a Jeep Cherokee?
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Where is the location of the blower motor resistor on a 95 jeep Cherokee sport?

Blower motor resistors are generally found nearby the blower motor.

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blower motor bad or no power to it chech fuses blower switch blower motor

Where is the blower motor resistor module on 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee?

it is under the clove box behind the blower motor you will see it if you look its a black box

94 jeep Cherokee heater motor only worked on high and now does not work at all?

Probably the blower motor resistor, check blower motor at the same time

1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee no air blowing?

Bad Blower motor fuse Bad blower motor resistor Bad blower motor Bad switch Evaporator plugged- not allowing air flow

Where in the Jeep Cherokee is the blower fan?

access the blower fan from the engine compartment, passengers side, on the firewall, about the easiest blower motor to replace I have ever encountered.

How do you find a wiring diagram for the blower motor on a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee?

Where do you find your blower motor resistor pack 96 Jeep Cherokee?

Its located on the passengers side of the vehicle under the dash right next to the recirculating vent and the vacuum motor...........

Where is the blower resister located on a 1993 Cherokee jeep?

I assume it's very similar to a '95 jeep cherokee. It's under the glove box. To see some pictures and instructions for replacing the blower motor resistor, go to

How do you stop the blower motor in a 1995 jeep grand Cherokee from running when the car is turned off?

Replace the blower motor resistor block. It is located under the dash on the passenger side.

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