The 1998 Oldsmobile Intrigue turn signal flasher control module is below the dashboard on the drivers side of the passenger compartment. The signal flasher control module should be labeled as such.
Maybe part of the hazard warning module
Probably part of the hazard warning module - part of the hazard switch
The 2001 Oldsmobile Aurora turn signal/ hazard flasher module is located up under the LH dash above your feet.
The body control module, on your 1997 Oldsmobile, is located on the rear suspension. The module is mounted on the passenger side of the rear axle.
Usually part of the switch (module)
If the hazard control is in the dash--may be part of that module - it is in the newer GM vehicles If not it should be in or close to the fuse block
The front control module ( the computer on the under hood fuse box ) does the flasher functions. There is no separate flasher module.
Behind the glove compartment.
under the ignition coils. it is flat comes off after you remove the three numbered igniton coils. they plug into the module underneath them.
The "flasher" is integrated in the Lighting Control Module (LCM) located under the driver side dash.
Depends on which computer you are referring to. You have a climate control module, power-train control module, etc.