I have a 2003 Dodge Ram 5.7 4x4. Can you tell me where the IAT Sensor is located ? I have a G-Force chip to install. Also can you tell me the 2 correct wires to use ?
It does not have a mass airflow sensor.
Bank one is the bank on the drivers side. The O2 sensor will be the first one going from the engine screwed into the exhaust system.
It will be above the catalytic converter.
After the catalytic converter driver side.
The intake temperature sensor is located on the side of the air filter case on a 2003 Chevy Silverado 4.3 1500. It is on the top of the engine.
It is on the throttle body. On a 5.7L it is part of the throttle body and is not available seperatly. ON a 5.9L it is opposite the cables on the throttle body.
There is no speed sensor reset. IT must be repalced if failed.
The throttle position sensor is part of the throttle body and is not serviceable separately.
The speedometer signal comes from the ABS sensors. There is one sensor on the top of the rear axle, and one at each front wheel bearing.
Inside the trans, on top of the valve body, called a trs. Trans Range Sensor
The cam sensor is under the front of the passenger side cylinder head.
The cam sensor is on the driver side of the cylinder head.