Take the inside of the glove box out and it will be to the right side in behind the dash.
What all does the ECM computer control on my 2006 Chevy k1500 Silverado
ithe ECM is located under the hood just above the battery, cant miss it
check pickup in the distributor
location of ecm 2002 Chevrolet 2500 truck
Dose 1998 Chevrolet Malibu 2.4 litter have a ECM fuse and where is it?"
its set by the ecm but sometimes the throttle plate has carbon built up and lowers the idle just have your mechanic clean it
Remove the glove box. Look under the dash. You should see the ECM inside a plastic enclosure, bolted to the firewall. Remove all bolts, unplug the ECM from the harness, and it will come right out. Install the new ECM in the reverse order to remove the old one.
Take the inside of the glove box out and look into the right side and you will see it.
Take the inside of the glove box out and look in and down to the right just behind the dash and you will see it. It has a 100 wires connected to it.
The one for the ecm is located next to the thermostat housing. The one for the gauge should be located between #3 and #5 spark plug on drivers side.
un hook the batt neg for 30 sec it will reset it up to 95 96 and up you have to have a scan tool to reset the ecm
there is no such thing.