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The fan housing is located on the left side of the engine compartment, under the hood.

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Q: Where is the AC blower fan in a ford e-150?
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What is the problem when the AC Fan on my 1999 Ford E150 only blows on low and changing the fan speed setting has no effect on the fan speed?

Could be a bad fan motor resistor

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it could be the blower switch

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The ac blower fan is removed with three screws from the under side of the dash on the passenger side.The ac blower fan is removed with three screws from the under side of the dash on the passenger side.

Why would your 95 ford contour have heat coming out but doesnt blow it for the AC or heater?

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Why Ac fan does not work on Max?

Your AC fan is not working on the maximum setting because you have a bad blower motor resistor. This is located under the dash or next to the blower motor.

Why would an AC fan work only on high?

The fan switch is probably bad. My Ford Explorer did that, I had to have the switch replaced. This could also be caused by a bad blower motor resistor.

Where is the fuse for the heater AC blower fan located on a 94 Ford Escort?

under air cleaner assembly

Were is the fuse for heater ac blower ford explorer?

The fuse for the heater, AC blower on the Ford Explorer is under the fuse box next to the master cylinder reservoir. It is fuse number 36.

What does the blower motor do?

it is the moter that spins the fan that blows your heat or ac out of your vents

What are the common signs of a malfunctioning AC blower fan motor?

Common signs of a malfunctioning AC blower fan motor include reduced airflow, strange noises coming from the unit, inconsistent cooling, and a burning smell.