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Q: Where is starter relay on 2000 ford Windstar?
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Abs relay location on a 2000 ford windstar?

The 2000 Ford Windstar ABS relay switch is located on the firewall in the engine compartment. The relay switch will be on the passenger side of the engine compartment.

Where is the starter relay on the 1995 Ford Windstar?

It's actually on the starter, and it's the small cylinder attached to it. Windstar starters have a dual-purpose solenoid that not only engages the starter gear with the flywheel, but also acts as the starter relay.

Where is the starter relay on a 2000 Ford Focus?

The starter relay is a part of the starter on a 2000 Ford Focus. It is located under the hood, and on the right side of it if you are facing the car.

Where is the location of the starter relay for a 2000 ford f250 v10?

Follow the battery + Cable should end at relay

Where is the starter solenoid - switch on a Ford Windstar?

After thinking about this a bit it has to be on the starter, which is on the lower left side of the engine. I was trying to confuse this with the starter relay which Ford has long mounted up on the fender and makes things easy to locate starting problems.The solenoid is located inside the starter.

Where is the starter relay located on a 2000 ford explorer XLS?

Follow the + battery cable should connect to the starter solenoid (relay) either at the top of starter or at the inner fender perhaps under battery

Do ford trucks have a starter relay?

Yes, they do. The older ones had a starter solenoid, but all of Ford's new ones have a starter relay.

2000 ford windstar fuel pump relay location?

It is located under the hood beside the the battery, its a black box and the relay is # 207 in the diagram in the owners manual.

Where is the starter interrupt relay on a 2000 ford ranger?

The starter interrupt relay for my 1996 Mazda b4000 truck is located in the auxiliary relay box behind instrument panel next to the stairing wheel shaft.

Where is the transmission control solenoid in your 2000 ford windstar?

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How do you put a starter relay on a 1997 ford expedition?

The starter relay is inside the starter. You will need to replace the starter.