look at the bottom or rear of radiator
blown head gasket
Under the radiator on the left side. U have to jack up the right side to easily access the plug.
Get under the car and locate the drain valve or disconnect the lower water hose.
To drain the radiator on a 1999 Ford Expedition, place a bucket under the radiator. Unscrew the radiator drain hose or valve on the bottom of the radiator. Remove the radiator cap.
where's the relay on a 95 ford aspire Which Relay?
Head Gasket
It is on the front right lower side of the radiator. To find it go look in front of the right front tire toward the radiator, on the radiator you will see a little plastic looking plug; thats the radiator drain plug.
The 2006 Ford Taurus radiator drain plug is located on the bottom of the radiator. The drain plug can be removed with a half inch ratchet.
You dont
There's a drain plug on the bottom passenger side of the radiator. Unscrew it and the coolant will drain.