how to change oil pressure switch in 2001 Dodge Intrepid I need to look at a diagram
oil pressure sensor
The oil pressure sensor on a Dodge Caliber is under the intake manifold on the front of the engine.
The oil pressure sensor is on the oil cooler, under the intake manifold.
it is the oil pressure sensor. Check your oil level, then test your oil pressure sensor.
An oil pressure sensor socket.An oil pressure sensor socket.
Erratic oil pressure is usually caused by a bad oil pressure sensor.
Should be just above the oil pan
The Sprinter does not have an oil pressure sensor. The oil level sensor mounts to the side of the oil pan.
Back of the engine, next to the distributor.
A 2001 Intrepid does not have an oil change light.
Valve clatter? Check oil level and pressure? Fuel mixture?