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Bank 2 is the drivers side of the engine in a Ford Expedition

Sensor 2 is after the catalytic converter ( downstream )

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Q: Where is bank 2 sensor 2 located on a 1997 ford expedition 4.6L?
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On a 1997 Ford Expedition : Bank 1 is the passenger side of the engine Sensor 1 would be close to the engine before the exhaust enters the catalytic converter

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Bank 1 is the passenger side of the engine in your Ford Expedition Sensor 1 is in the exhaust system before the exhaust enters the catalytic converter ( upstream )

Where is the bank 2 sensor 1 oxygen sensor located on a 2000 ford expedition?

On a 2000 Ford Expedition ( 4.6 and 5.4 ) Bank 2 is the drivers side of the engine Sensor 1 is close to the engine BEFORE the exhaust enters the catalytic converter

Where is bank 1 O2 sensor 2 on a 1997 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer?

It is on the passinger side behind the converter.

Where is the bank 1 sensor 2 on 1997 Ford Expedition?

on the passenger side near the y-pipe downstream of the cat.

Were is located Bank 1 sensor2 expedition 97?

Bank 1 is the passenger side of the engine on a Ford Expedition Sensor 2 is in the exhaust after it has passed through the catalytic converter ( downstream )

Where is the oxygen sensor bank 1 on a 1997 ford expedition locate at?

On a Ford Expedition ( 4.6 and 5.4 ) Bank 1 is the passenger side of the engine Sensor 1 would be close to the engine BEFORE the exhaust enters the catalytic converter Sensor 2 would be AFTER the exhaust has passed through the catalytic converter

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Inside the exhaust. there are two on each side.

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It is behind the engine, after the catalyst.

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on cylinder 1 side mounted on the manifold

Where is the O2 Bank 1 Sensor 2 located in a 1997 GMC Surburban?

bank one is where the number 1 cylinder is sensor 1 is before the cat and sensor 2 is after the cat