Drivers' side of the dash behind the panel that's there and I think there's something to do with the AC under the hood, drivers' side in the black box.
You can replace it with '94, 95 and some 96.
Pull the fuse or disconnect the compressor.
how can you manually change from heating to ac on a lincoln mark viii 97, because it will not do it automatic. My mechanic does it in spring and fall but it cost too much
check the blower fuse if the fuse is good the blower motor is bad or else you have short
The hookup is on the passenger side by the firewall, silver canister.
The clutch is mounted on the front of the A/C compressor.
it should be in the fuse cluster box under the hood it tells you exactly which one it is in your owners manual
Try unplugging your AC compressor and see if it still blows the fuse. When you turn on your defrosters you also turn on your AC.
Passenger side of the engine look down and you will see it.
bad mode door actuator. Also try to remove the fuse from blower motor for a min of 60 seconds. This causes unit to recalibrate itself. Worked for me
which fuse is the heater/AC fan fuse
# it is stationary if you look at it the removal should explain itself.