PVC valve is bad
It's on the front valve cover. The trick is you have to first remove the "breather chamber" by removing the 2 bolts on top. With the breather chamber cover off, you'll see the PCV valve screwed into the valve cover.
on top of the valve cover
You are probaby referring to the grommet, a rubber ring, that fits in a hole in the valve cover, sealing off the PCV valve or the breather hose.
Should be a cap or breather on the valve cover. In through there.
There will be a removable cap, or breather on the valve cover.
breather pipes.
Remove the sparkplug cables, breather hose, and remove the valve cover. The gasket is a permanent type and comes as a 5 piece kit that simply pushes into groves in the valve cover. Once installed, replace the valve cover and connect the breather hoses and sparkplug cables.
The engine should have a crankcase breather tube connected between the valve cover and the air cleaner. With the crankcase breather removed and a non-vented cap installed on the valve cover in its place, the PCV would create the vacuum you have.
There should be a cap on the drivers side valve cover. If not, remove the breather tube and use a funnel at the passenger side valve cover.
It may be the Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) valve. This valve is usually installed into the valve cover and has a hose connected to it.
It is a hose that connects from the air filter to valve cover that stops contamenents from staying in the engine.