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Q: Where do linces live?
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None. You can start out in astronomy with a relatively small telescope, and no licenses are required.

Age requirement for a cop?

The requirements to become a police officer vary from department to department. Many departments will not hire a patrol officer until they have reached the age of 21 (the age of handling alcohol and possessing a handgun), but some departments (usually those in desperate need of officers) will hire as young as 18.

In hockey what does it mean to ice the puck?

Icing in ice hockey occurs when a player shoots the puck across at least two red linces, the opposing team's goal line being the last, and the puck remains untouched. When icing occurs, the players stops playing. Play is resumed with a faceoff in the defending zone of the team that committed the icing.

When was Live Live Live Extra created?

Live Live Live Extra was created on 1995-12-31.

Where did Dr. Seuss currently live?

He did not live in a box, He did not live with a fox, He did not live on a train, He did not live in Ukraine, He did not live here nor there, He did not live anywhere!

When did Live A Live happen?

Live A Live happened in 1994.

When do you use live in and live at?

I live in a house. I live in the city of _____. I live at the Winchester Arms Apartments.

When was ...Live.... created?

Live Live Live was created in 1985.

What is the difference between live in live on and live at?

You live in a home. You live on a street. You live at an address. They all essentially describe where you live, but the "in, on,at" is used to specify which location you are conveying.