Try looking under the hood for the vacuum hose decal or try a junk yard the decal might be under another hood.
vacuum diagram for 1978 cordoba
1993 on Toyota corolla vacuum hose
It is a vacuum line diagram for a 1988 Toyota Corolla. What else would it be. :-) Just playing. You can find one [ Here]
under the bonnet on the passenger side
You can find the vacuum line diagram for the 1983 Toyota Corolla in most Chilton's manuals for that model and year of vehicle. You can also find this diagram at many auto repair shops or libraries.
You can find some vacuum diagrams in the Haynes repair manual. This can be found at any parts store.
Autozone dot com.
haynes Auto manuals from AutoZone.Toyo joe
Haynes Auto manuals from AutoZone.Best books I've found yet. Toyo joe
I suggest you go to your nearest Toyota dealer and ask for a copy of the hose routing for your vehicle. That is where I got my last one from.
You can find a free Ford F1 50 vacuum diagram at most Ford dealerships. Many auto-parts stores will have the vacuum diagram.
Which vacuum diagram The Underhood for the engine or the vacuum for the interior /AC system?