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yea cause the more speed u get more wind blows through grill onto the radiator and engine cooling it more than if you just started it and let it idle..duh

but if u live in Australia as i do with 40 degrees c every day why dose it do it? is it an engine fault or an electrical fault

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Q: When you accelerate your temp gauge goes down?
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Temp gauge goes up and down?

Could be low on coolant (leak somewhere) or the thermostat is faulty.

Whats wrong if temp gauge goes high?

no way

What does it mean when temp gauge goes up and down continuously?

Your temp. sensor might be faulty, or the wiring for the gauge, but 9 out of 10 times this indicates air in the cooling system. Check the overflow tank. When there is HOT coolant on the sensor, it pops up. When air hits the sensor, it dives down.

What is wrong with my car Temp gauge goes up and down you have heat when it is down and no heat when it is up does anyone have an idea what this means?

Low coolant level and possible coolant leak.

How much should it cost to replace a temp gauge in a 04 cavalier?

Replacing the gauge could be a costly job but it is seldom the gauge goes bad. More likely the temp gauge sending unit is at fault. Replacing the temp gauge sending unit would take less than 15 minutes.

What is a Salamanders'response to change in temperature?

A salamander is a cold blooded animal. So it simply follows the temperature change. Temperature goes down, its body temp goes down, Temp goes up its body temp goes up

High acceleration temp gauge needle pointer goes down to low temp release the acceleration going back to normal temp?

Need to no more info, Year, engine size, what type of truck. It would help us answer it correctly. THANKS.

Where does temp gauge hook to block On 1985 350 Chevy?

It goes to the temp gauge which is usually screwed in the head between the manifold on the drivers side, or into the thermost housing on the intake manifold.

Your 2001.5 passat temp gauge goes up to 190 then after alittle drops down then goes up to 190 Could this be a thermostat or head gasket?

the rise to 190 is normal. the reason for the drop in temp. is the cooling fan is doing its job, i wouldn't worry about that unless it overheates.

Why doesn't my RPM gauge and temp gauge work?

why doesn't my rpm gauge and temp gauge, fuel gauge not work

Why does your temp gauge go up and down did get new rad and changed thermostat?


What if your 1994 Dodge Caravan temp gauge will move all the way to hot then you turn on your heater full blast and it goes back down what could be the problem The fan is kicking on?

themostatic switch