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Q: When did Henry Ford sell the first Model-T motor car?
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Why did Henry Ford name his first car the ModelT?

Well he didn't. He named his first car the Model A. Though not all intermediate models came to market (some where only prototypes).

Who invented the first engine powered bus?

Henry ford and the ford motor company

When did Henry ford start building the assembly line?

Henry Ford was first who had used assembly line method of production. His Model T was first car manufactured this way.

Which American is responsible for Ford motor cars?

Henry Ford - Creator of the Ford Motor Company.Henry Ford - Creator of the Ford Motor Company.Henry Ford - Creator of the Ford Motor Company.Henry Ford - Creator of the Ford Motor Company.Henry Ford - Creator of the Ford Motor Company.Henry Ford - Creator of the Ford Motor Company.

Who built the first motor car?

Henry Ford built the Quadricycle in 1896.

What did Henry Ford call his first motor vehicle developed in 1896?


What company did Henry Ford found?

Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor company.

When was the first Henry Ford truck made?

The Ford Motor Company built its first factory assembled pickup truck in 1925.

What did Henry Ford accomplish in 1900?

Henry Ford invented the first car, as well as Ford Motor Company. The first model car he invented was the T-model car. This was the first mass-produced car in the world.

Is Ford better than General Motors?

Yes, Ford is better than GM because ford makes there cars cheaper(unlike GM). Henry Ford started Ford Motor Co. and he wanted to make his cars cheaper. He just wanted everyone to be able to afford them. it's a matter of opinion. I believe they are. Here is some history:

What assembly line was first used in automobile manufacturing?

Henry Ford, now knowen as the Ford motor company.

What award did Henry Ford win?

Henry Ford Received an award for the Ford motor Company.Henry Ford won the Bronze Star