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Because it does not go as far.

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Q: When a car take a turn why does an inner wheel do not rotate as much as the outer wheel?
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Related questions

Are the inner and outer planets different?

The inner planets are all rocky planets. The outer planets are completely made up of gases. The inner planets are much smaller than the outer planets.

Are the inner planets smaller than the outer planets?

Yes, the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) are smaller than the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune). The outer planets are known as gas giants and are much larger in size compared to the inner terrestrial planets.

Why was inner China settled much earlier that outer China?

inner china had a better climate.

What are the distances between planets greater between the inner or outer planets?

Distances between outer planets are greater than distances between inner planets in our solar system. The outer planets are much farther from the Sun compared to the inner planets.

What makes the inner planets different from the outer planets?

The inner planets are small and rocky, the outer planets are much larger and have no solid surface, they are called the gas giants.

Inner an outer planet similarities?

Inner and outer planets in our solar system can be similar in terms of composition, as they are all made of rock and metal. However, outer planets are much larger and mainly composed of gas and ice, while inner planets are smaller and have solid surfaces. Both types of planets orbit around the Sun.

How much thicker is the outer core than the inner core?

The outer core is approximately four times thicker than the inner core. The outer core is about 2,300 kilometers thick, while the inner core is about 1,200 kilometers thick.

Is earth an inner or outer planet?

Earth is an inner planet. The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The inner planets are warmer and have solid, rocky cores. The outer planets are much cooler, bigger and are mostly, if not entirely, gas.

Why are inner planets different than outer planets?

Inner planets, such as Earth, Mars, Venus, and Mercury, are smaller, denser, and composed mainly of rocky materials. They have solid surfaces and relatively high temperatures. In contrast, outer planets, like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are much larger, primarily made of gases and ice, and have lower densities. They also have no solid surfaces and are much colder than inner planets.

How does the temperature of the inner planets compare to the temperature of the outer planets?

The inner planets are typically warmer than the outer planets. This is because the inner planets are closer to the sun and receive more direct sunlight, leading to higher temperatures. In contrast, the outer planets are much farther from the sun and are colder as a result.

How do inner planets differ?

Inner planets differ from outer planets because they have rocky core (excepting Pluto), and the are much smaller than outer planets, which are bigger and take more time to orbit Sun than inner planets because of their location. Outer planets are farther from the Sun than inner planets.

How are the inner and outer layers of earth different?

The inner layer of Earth is composed of solid materials like the inner core and the outer core, while the outer layer, known as the crust, is composed of solid and rocky materials. The inner layers are much hotter and under high pressure compared to the outer layers. Additionally, the outer layer is where we find the Earth's surface features like mountains, oceans, and continents.