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Q: What year Chevy caprice is compatible to a 83 Chevy Impala?
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What year caprice steering column will fit a 1989 caprice?

Any 1977-85 Impala or 1977-90 Caprice will work

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What year did they quit the round headlights in the chev impala?

I believe the '76 was the last Impala to have round headlights. The '77 Caprice had the rectangle shapped ones.

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Depends on what year and what engine Caprice braugm you're referring to...

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1967 Chevy Impala

What car replaced the Chevy Lumina?

The Chevy Impala (which closed out in 1996 along with sister Caprice) replaced the Lumina in 2001. Although it was assopsed to replace it in 2000 Chevy decided to keep it 1 more year. That final year sales plunged down to half of the previous. THEY STILL MAKE LUMINAS! But not in north america.

How much horse power does a 1992 Chevy caprice 305 5.0 litter v8 engine have?

Chevy Caprice power rating for that year was 170hp.

Did Chevy make a 1965 caprice?

1965 was the first year for the Caprice. You can see it at: In reply to: I believe that 1967 was the first year of Caprice