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In my oponion (not that it matters to anybody), life would be better because the amounts of carbon dioxide (Co2) would greatly decrease. Ozone depletion would greatly decrease, as well as the amount of fossil fuels being used.

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Q: What would life be with out cars?
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How would life be without an wheel and axle?

we wouldn't be able to drive cars or open doors.we would have to push cars.

How would a Car be born in real life?

Cars are built not born.

Would cars drive with no sun?

They do drive at night. If there was really no sun, there would be no life on Earth.

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It"s Important because without it, we would not have cars, and without cars we would still be using a hore and buggy. Just think of life without cars.

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What would happen if there were no cars buses trains boats plane s?

no life on earth

How has the automobile made everyday life easier?

If we need somthing from the store we just drive there but before cars we would have to walk there and with out cars it would take a long time for people to get to where there going

Would life be harder if cars hadn't been invented?

Apparently, yes because if there were no cars, we would use horses instead. But riding a horse may be difficult to other people. So the answer to that question, is yes.

What would happen if we didn't have cars?

We would travel just like people did before cars. If you want to leave out trains too, almost nobody would travel more than 50 to 100 miles from their home in their entire life.

What would life be like without transportation?

Life would be very hard no cars means ; no buying furniture, no moving houses, and no transort means using piggy back rides

How should the government promote hybrid cars?

They should not promote Hybrid Cars If the government was sensible cars would be rated on damage to environment during life cycle. Hybrid cars are much worse comparing by size and features including fuel economy.

What is the life of a car?

Most cars would average about 200,000 miles before any real serious repairs