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Chysler uses a proximity switch to count the revolutions on the drive axle, which gives you the speedometer input. When the computer loses the input it stores an error code, I believe it's 15, in the computer. The connection is just a simple plug and it's exposed to a lot of heat, cold, and moisture, being way down there on the bottom of the car like that. So after a while it's bound to get a little loose. Maybe it's even got some crud on the contacts. SO if you're inclined to do a little crawling around. Jack the car up. USE JACK STANDS, Of course! and crawl under the passenger side front. Look at where the drive shaft for the passenger wheel comes out of the transmission. There's a neat little doohickie there with a plug coming out of the top. That's your speedometer pickup. Look for broken wires, obviously. If you don't see anything like that, I would recomend getting a can of electrical contact cleaner, and give a liberal hosing to the male and female plugs. It will probably solve the problem.

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Q: What would cause the speedometer to quit working and the check engine light come on from time to time in a 94 Voyager mini van?
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