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Answerno thermostat

but only temporarily.

A thermostat functions to regulate the flow of water between the engine and radiator.

On an average outside temperature day (75 degrees), "no thermostat" would result in (1) the engine not reaching operating temperature in the normal engine warm up cycle time and (2) much later in the cycle the engine would overheat caused by the water not remaining in the radiator long enough to cool down. More extreme outside temperatures would impact the previous results.

No thermostat or a defective thermostat that is stuck open. Also could be a deffective coolant temprature sensor. Or air bubble aroune the sensor on some cars.

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Q: What would cause the engine not to reach normal operating temperature?
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Best way to tell your normal operating temperature is to visit an auto parts store and ask them what the OEM thermostat temperature is (or you can look it up yourself on Most cars these days will have around a 190 degree thermostat. Your car will run slightly hotter than that temperature as it is needed to maintain the thermostat in an open position. With that thermostat you can expect to see the temperature of the water stay around 205-210. If the water temperature ever starts to get above 240 you should shut the engine down to avoid damage and have the cooling system checked. Temperatures above 260 WILL cause significant engine damage.

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