try replacing the thermostat
low coolant
A common cause for a gas gauge to stop working in a 1994 Ford Aspire is a defective fuel gauge. Lose wiring in the dash is another cause.
Low coolant, failed sensor, failed cluster,
On a 2000 Dodge Ram, "no bus" means the communication network between modules has quit working. Any module on the network or the wiring between them can be the cause of the malfunction.
Check the fuses. Sometimes you have to remove and reinstall them.
Probably the temp sending unit.
I have a 1999 s-10 my fuel gauge quit working I had to replace my fuel pump that fixed my proplem
Its probably the float in the gas tank that tells how much fuel is left in the tank... its sticking.
Several things can cause your fuel gauge not to work. The most common cause is a bad ground wire. A malfunctioning float in the fuel tank can also cause the problem.
There are several things that can cause your 2001 Ford F2 50 outside temperature gauge to quit working. The most common cause is a malfunctioning outside temperature sensor.
There are several things that can cause your 2000 Hyundai gas gauge not to work. The most common cause is a loose or corroded ground wire.