check fuses
The BOO (Brake On/Off) Switch may need to be replaced. If it is bad, it would cause the brake lights to NOT illuminate when the brake pedal is applied.
Check your brake light switch at hte brake pedal.
A bad ground wire is the most common cause of turn signals and brake lights not working. The ground wire connection might be corroded.
No, usually wiring or a wheel bearing problem
Check the bulbs, fuse & brake light switch on the pedal.
Check the bulbs - they are doubloe filamented with the smaller being for brake/turn signals Check the fuses
The probable cause of the brake lights not working on your Renault is the brake light switch. The brake light switch can be found under the dashboard by the foot pedal.
Blown fuse, both lights are burnt out, There is a wiring or ground issue.
burned out bulb, blown fuse, wiring
A malfunctioning brake light and flasher relay switch will cause the brake lights and flashers to stop working. The relay switch can be found below the dashboard on the drivers side of the passenger compartment.
If the turn signal is working it's either the brake light switch or the turn signal switch.