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Water in your GasWater in the gas can cause several problems. First, your engine will not run efficiently, and may lose power. Your gas mileage will suffer. If you live in a very cold climate, and the temps drop low enough, you gas lines will freeze and of course your engine will die and not run again until the gas lines thaw. Too much water and your car will not run at all. Suggest that if you suspect water in your gas, drain as much of it out as you can. Then put in an additive that dries water in the gas tank (there are many to choose from at a store such as Walmart),and put fresh gas in the tank. After one or two tank fulls of gas has gone through the system, you should then be OK. Continue to use gas additives on a regular basis to maintain your system. Avoid filling your tank from a station near large bodies of water. It seems that the possibility of water seeping into their tanks is much higher than stations on high ground.
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