

Best Answer

Gasoline and factory odor and catterpillar leaks, my man! And sewage.

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Q: What smells are the most obnoxious?
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What part of speech is the word obnoxious?

Obnoxious is an adjective--an obnoxiousperson.

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The loud and obnoxious music from the party next door kept me awake all night.

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Yes they are are really obnoxious and stupid.

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He is not only arrogant but also foolish and obnoxious. OR Her attitude towards the guests at her birthday party was obnoxious to say the least.

How many different smells can most people smell?

about 10,000 different smells. i hope this helped

Who said I am obnoxious and unpopular?

i did. my name is david and i go to your school. you are obnoxious and unpopular.