A 1993 Ford Aerostar takes the BCI group size 65 battery which has the terminals / posts ( on TOP of the battery )
Where is the t-stat on my ford 4ltr.
The factory spec for tires for a '93 Ford Tempo is P185/70R14.
picture of engine of 1991 ford aerostar van
On a 1993 Ford Aerostar : The automatic transmission modulator is on the passenger side of the transmission ( it might be behind a heat shield )
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I have a 93 and my switch is behind the passenger side kick panel.
where to put transmission fluid at in 93 ford areo star
According to one of the Ford websites : The spark plug gap for the 3.0 L , V6 in a 1993 Ford Aerostar is : ( .044 inch )
Look below and to left of steering column for access cover.
The factory spec for tires for a '93 Ford Tempo is P185/70R14. As far as I know it would be the same for all years.
In the common workshop manual by Haynes.