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Q: What prevented Cornwallis's escape by land?
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What prevented Cornwallis escape by land?

The Continental Army prevented Cornwallis' escape by land. As a result General Cornwallis and his men surrendered at Yorktown on October 19, 1781.

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The decline of the cattle frontier might have been prevented if there had been better land management. It might have also been prevented if they had bred less cattle.

Who is general Cornwalliss?

General Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, was a British general who was surrounded by French troops and had to surrender which ended the American Revolution.

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Vegetation. Clearing the land is a cause of a lot of erosion.

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You may be thinking of icebergs.

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To escape Protestant discrimination.

What prevented the town of Nicodemus in the 1800s from growing more?

it was probably built on an island, therefore no land for expansion.