3094 lbs.
Yes it will fit.
1200 hp
Under the hood, on the firewall.
depends on what motor is in both of them are they both 4cyle or 6cyle
Very Carefully
Under the hood, passenger side firewall, not far from the blower motor.
In the truck!
The wire color for a windshield wiper motor in an S10 pickup that connects to the fuse is white. The high speed wire is purple, the low speed wire is gray.
If the heater fan is not blowing on a 2001 Chevy S10 Pickup, it is possible that the fuse needs replacing. It is also possible that debris is interfering with the operation of the fan. Could also be, a faulty fan motor, a faulty fan motor speed resistor, a faulty fan motor switch,
where do i put coolant in for 1994 Chevy s10 pickup