Overdrive is the normally allowed position so you don't see the light on If you turn OFF the overdrive , the overdrive off light will light up or if there is a problem the overdrive off light will flash
A malfunction has been detected
A malfunction has been detected
A malfunction has been detected
Normally the overdrive is allowed , so the overdrive OFF light does not light up When the overdrive is switched off , the overdrive OFF light will light up to let you know that the overdrive has been switched off
A malfunction has been detected - get it checked out
The overdrive off light will flash in your gauge cluster when a malfunction has been detected by the powertrain control module
The overdrive is "ON" when the light is "OFF". Notice the light for the overdrive has a slash through it.
If the overdrive's off light is on that means it's off. If it is off then the overdrive is on.
something is wrong in the transmission. It will have to be diagnosed. You probably have a bad shift solenoid in the tranny.
The overdrive light will be off when the overdrive switch is pushed in. If the light flashes then that's a trouble shooting code.
The light will flash if the vehicle senses that you should be in overdrive (based on speed) but aren't. There should be a button on the end of your gearshift lever to turn overdrive back on. The only time you should turn that off is, for example, if you are pulling a trailer in the mountains. Turn OD back on and the light will stop flashing. If it doesn't stop then there is a problem with the transmission going into overdrive.