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A squad is a combination of a fire engine and heavy rescue

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Q: What makes a fire engine a squad engine?
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Related questions

Is squad a long vowel?

No, "squad" does not have a long vowel. The 'a' in "squad" makes the short vowel sound as in "cat".

What is the collective noun for squad?

The noun 'squad' is a standard collective noun for:a squad of fire fightersa squad of policea squad of soldiersa squad of beaters

What are the release dates for Flight Squad - 1998 Trial by Fire?

Flight Squad - 1998 Trial by Fire was released on: USA: 23 March 2001

How many light are on a fire engine?

For obvious reasons between makes and models, this varies.

What makes a Diesel engine fire?

Combustion of instantly compressed diesel vapour or gas

How many Fire Teams are in a squad?

Three four man fire teams

What is the smallest element in a battalion?

Fire Team, or squad

What is a fire team?

A fireteam is a military team composed of four or less members. The four members are Squad leader, Support gunner or supressor, rifleman, and grenadier. A fire team is a unit in a Squad. A Squad's leader is called the "NCO".

What does a support gunner do in squad?

In the US military, you'd probably be referring to a squad's Automatic Rifleman, who carries the M249 SAW. Each fire team in an infantry squad has one, and their role is suppressive and supporting fire, particularly to lay down covering fire while the other fire team bounds, flanks around, or moves otherwise.

What is a unit size?

Fire team, squad, platoon, or A-team

What was it called when they lined up people and shot them?

fire squad!

What are the release dates for Felony Squad - 1966 Man on Fire 2-24?

Felony Squad - 1966 Man on Fire 2-24 was released on: USA: 4 March 1968