I have a 97 olds aurora. It gets 19-23 mpg on a good day, but depending how you drive it can get as low as 16 mpg average.
Mileage over 70,000 , Poor control and handling especially during passing and lane changing. As the struts get weaker, tires will develop rapid wear.
Yes All Aurora are a Like 1995-1996-1997-1998-1999
i am replacing the starter on olds 1995 aurora
Trick question. there isn't a 94 olds aurora.
for a 1997 olds aurora you have to press the engine "eng" button till you get to the "change oil now" then press and hold the reset button till it says "oil life 100%". it should be the same for a 96.
You will need to locate the turn signal flasher and replace it.
Take the light assy off and take the bulbs out the back.
To disarm the security system on a 1997 Oldsmobile Aurora, simply press the red button on the key fob. If the key fob is not available, insert the key into the ignition and turn.
1998 olds aurora altenator replcemnt
Remove instrument cluster in a 2003 olds aurora
is it hard to replace a waterpump out of a oldsmobile aurora 95