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Most likely it is a failed head gasket.

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Q: What is the white smoke out of exhaust on 1988 Chrysler lebaron is it water in the engine?
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Can the power steering make your car smoke on a 1991 Chrysler LeBaron GTC?

Yes, if the fluid is leaking on the exhaust or the belt is slipping badly.Yes, if the fluid is leaking on the exhaust or the belt is slipping badly.

What are the symptoms of an O2 sensor failure on a 1993 Chrysler LeBaron?

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Black exhaust smoke?

Service engine

Why does engine exhaust smoke become white?

Engine exhaust turns white from water in the combustion chamber.

What would cause a 1994 LeBaron LE to die at stops puff brownish black smoke out exhaust when accelerating and engine sputter at higher speeds?

check ditributor cap and rotor and spark plug wires

Why is black smoke coming out the exhaust?

It is buring oil this is a wrong answer whe engine burn oil to the exhaust smoke is a heavy white smoke no black

Why does you car have blue smoke out the exhaust?

blue smoke comes out the tail pipe when your engine is burning oil caused by a worn engine.

What is the cause of blue smoke from the exhaust of a diesel while driving?

Blue smoke is caused by engine oil being burnt by the engine.

What causes white smoke at start up?

White smoke at start up is due to moisture in the exhaust or on a diesel it can be normal due to the engine being cold.White smoke at start up is due to moisture in the exhaust or on a diesel it can be normal due to the engine being cold.

Daewoo nubira shuddering when idle and smoke coming from exhaust?

sounds like you have head gasket problem if the exhaust smoke is white in colour then its engine coolant if its blue smoke then its burning oil you will need to get the engine pressure tested at a garage.

What would cause the car to smoke after driving it up onto a curb?

If you nicked the oil pan it could cause it to smoke from engine area. Is the smoke coming from the exhaust or engine bay? If exhaust, then I highly doubt it was caused by the curb incident.

Reasons for black smoke in diesel engine?

Unburnt fuel in exhaust.