When dropping the pan and changing the filter, you add 4 courts. contact me at sideburns2009@gmail.com
= What is the automatic transmission fluid capacity for a 1994 Chevrolet 1500 pickup? =
The 1994 Plymouth Duster transmission has a capacity of 12 quarts of fluid. The manufacturer recommends that the transmission is never overfill.
1994 - 12.25 qts.See "Related Questions" below about transmission fluid capacity
Automatic AP
five with a filter change,ten with an overhaul
transmission fluid is in the transmission
3.6 Liters, or 7.6 pints
Mopar ATF+4
The automatic transmission fluid recommended is Dexron III oil. The capacity is 8.1 quarts of fluid for a complete flush and fill.
The 1994 Mazda 626 was built with 4 and 6-cylinder option models. The CD4E transmission has a fill of 7.4-quarts (qts). The GF4A-EL has a larger capacity of 9.3-qts.
The 1994 takes Mercon transmission fluid