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This is a rather arbitrary question in that most waxes contain the same ingrediants. The most popular carnuba based waxes (with the exception of Syn-wax which is a polymer) are: Turtle Wax, McGuires, Mothers, Trewax, Syn-wax, Excaliber, DuPont, Formula One, Zymol and Zaino.

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Q: What is the top 10 car waxes?
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Does wax can destroy your car's paint?

YES . Maybe some waxes destroy paint, but there are waxes specifically made to protect car paint.

What are the benefits of using water-based waxes for car detailing?

Water-based waxes for car detailing offer several benefits, including easy application and removal, environmentally friendly ingredients, and a non-toxic formula that is safe for both the user and the environment. Additionally, water-based waxes provide a glossy finish and long-lasting protection for the vehicle's paint.

According to consumer reports which brand offers the best car wax?

Consumer reports is known and recognized as one of the best reviewers of a variety of products. Car wax is no exception. Their latest review of car waxes recommends Meguiar's NXT Generation Tech Wax 2.0, and Nu-Finish NFP-80 as the best waxes for your car.

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Waxing a car provides benefits that are good for the paint on a car. When a car has wax applied, it not only helps eliminate rust but provides a smooth coating to help protect the car from elements.

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u find waxes in nature by finding them

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