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Mustangs, being Feral (Not wild) horses, will mostly always rely on their amazing instincts, and sharp mind. This may make them seem aggresive or high spirited.

Their temperment relies on many factors, including if they were born in the wild or in captivity, if they have been handled since birth, if they have been with abusive or uneducated owners, among other basic horse temperment factors. They range from very spirited to nearly bombproof, with both gentle and hostile dispositions. It really depends on the horse, because no two horses are alike, just like all creatures.

Most mustang owners have notticed that the breed is a One-owner kind of horse; this means that they seem to bond most strongly with one person, not to say they cant be friends with other humans.

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Q: What is the temperament of a mustang?
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What is the mustang horses temperament?

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