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Look in your owners manual if you have it or the routing decal should be under the hood of the car.

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Q: What is the serpentine belt route for a 2001 Impala?
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Follow the route of the serpentine belt. It drives the alternator.

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Loosen the tensioner pulley on your 2001 Chevy Impala. The serpentine belt will become loose. Take the old belt off and put the new belt on. Tighten the new serpentine belt with the tensioner pulley.

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you have to remove the belt tensioner to remove the belt off of the engine.

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The belt is slipping.

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Put the serpentine belt around the pulleys on your 2001 Chrysler LHS. Tighten the serpentine belt by pushing the tensioner pulley to the left. Tighten down the tensioner pulley and the serpentine belt will be tight.

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it is the belt by the alternator belt

Why does serpentine belt on 2002 impala keep shredding?

belt tensioner is bad or one of your pulleys that the belt rides on is bad or out of alignment.

How do you change a harmonic balancer on a 2001 impala?

take the serpentine belt off and then take the crank pulley off the balancer and then you will need a puller to get the balancer off the crank.