The Toyota 20R engine crankshaft bolt torque specification is 150 pounds. The crankshaft bolts should be torqued in 50 pound intervals.
1979 toyota 4x4 pickup with 20r engine
.032" good luck
The Toyota 1978 20R Emission Control Repair Manual, pub 98268 is still available from Toyota parts, is about $12 and covers all versions of 1978 20R engine emission controls and vacuum lines. You have to have your dealer order it by part number.
run gear oil in your engine if your cheap cause a 20r engine remanufactured cost 600 dollars. or you could completey take the motor apart and replace the rings.
Follow the link and buy the book
How do you prime the oil pump on a 1986 Toyota truck with 20r/22r engine
The fuel pump for a 1979 Toyota Pickup is in the fuel tank. Drop the fuel tank and unbolt the fuel pump from the top for a 20R engine.
I have never had luck finding one specifically for the 20R, but when I put my 20R back together, this was a great resource: There are a few differences between the 22R and the 20R, but it should be close enough for you to get an idea.
no it will not the pistons are diffrent the 20r has domw pistons and the 22re has flat top pistons
Go to auto Zone and get a Haynes manual and look in the emissions section for your year.