First of all there is no such thing as a "wide block" 318.
Chrysler corp made an "A block" engine that used poly-spherical combustion chamber heads and then made the "LA (late A) engine using wedge heads.
The blocks are near identical and have the same dimensions.
Ill-informed persons may have confused the Ford designation "Y Block" with poly head coming up with the misnomer WIDE BLOCK
a long wedge has a greater mechanical energy then a short wide wedge.
Pontiac had no big blocks. all Pontiac engines are the same size externally (except the 301, it was a little smaller.)
The difference between a double wide and a manufactured home is that the manufactured home is put on a foundation.
wideout is slang for wide receiver
A 3 inch wide carpet.
AnswerThe difference between the two is that internet is the world wide web and network is local.
i think it means 18 wide if im not incorrect
A wedge is a simple machine with a triangular shape. It has a sharp edge that tapers to a point. The wide end of the wedge is used to apply force, while the sharp end is used to separate or lift objects.
Difference? Wireless allowed widespread, i.e. broadcast, communication.
Wide body aircraft have more than one aisle