all you have to do is go online type in kelly blue book and it takes you step by step.
You can get the value by going to Kelly Blue book ( A 1978 2500 4+4 with air can go for $2000 to $7000 depending on condition and accessories.
use to get the value.
The book value of a car is based on the model of the car and the equipment.
The Kelley Blue Book website.
The Kelly Blue Book value of a 1998 Dodge Neon is on average between $2,200 and $2,700. This can change depending on several factors. The most notable ones being the cars physical condition and mileage.
$1500-$2500 Depending on miles and condition Kelley Blue Book has value at $1640 as of 10/31/08
go to and figure out the price.
Too general a question. age condition and features will determine value try $200-$2500. Go to their website
Try the web site in the link below.
In October 2010, Kelly Blue Book has listed '09 Rams as $16,000 to $21,000 in value.
go to and blue book the value
The blue book value of a vehicle depends on the model, options, mileage and condition. Without knowing what Toyota you have etc. it's hard to tell you what the blue book value is. You can go to Kelley Blue Book at, answer a few short questions and get the blue book value of your particualr car.