what is the yearly pay for an auto mechanic for 10, 20 and 30 years of employment
The average yearly salary for an auto mechanic is $36,000. The range of salary varies depending on experience and place of employment.
There are large minimum and maximum wages that auto mechanics make. The mean (average) yearly salary for an auto mechanic is just under $40,000. This averages out to about $19.00 an hour wage.
On average, $3,000 a month with an average yearly salary of 36,000
yearly income for auto mechanic is 30,898 dollars.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the average yearly salary for automotive service technicians and mechanics in 2010 was $35,790. This is the most current data available.
The median yearly salary is close to $40,000 per year. The amount will vary depending your their experience and where they work at.
There does not appear to be a salary estimate that covers Europe as a whole. The median annual salary for an auto mechanic in the United Kingdom is $43,430. This includes an annual bonus of $6,360. The average monthly salary for an auto mechanic in Germany is 4,013 euros or $5,150 in US currency.
The average yearly salary for an automotive mechanic in New York City is $46,000.00 USD. This is the currently listed average wage as of the 2nd of July, 2013.
There are huge differences in salary ranges at the state level because judges are elected officials (with the exception of supreme and appellate); however the median range is : CJC's -$125,000 yearly (automatic COL). AJCLR's-$122,000 yearly (auto. COL). IAC's-$117,000 yearly (auto. COL). GJTC's $110,000 yearly (auto. COL). SCA's $108,000 yearly (auto. COL). Federal judges (including ALJ's and AAJ's- $95,000 to $172,000 yearly, (auto. COL). Refer to the related question attached below.