

Best Answer

Pan removal and replacement liters 5.75 Quarts 6.00

after complete overhaul liters 10.50 Quarts 11.00

This is information taken from the owner's manual. It also tells to use only DEXRON II.

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Q: What is the Transmission fluid capacity on 86 Oldsmobile delta 88 3.8l engine?
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It is necessary to know the fuel tank capacity of a vehicle. The fuel tank capacity of a 1968 Oldsmobile Delta 88 is 20 gallons.

What is the oil capacity for a 1982 Oldsmobile Delta 88 with a 307 engine?

5.0 qts. with filter , or in liters, approximately 5 liters

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If it is a 1997 it is 18 gallons

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Check to see how much fluid is in your transmission.

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5.0L 307

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