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By fits & starts, discontinuously, erratically, every so often, fluctuating, from time to time, infrequently, irregularly, now & again, occasionally, once in awhile, periodically, & finally my friend, SOMETIMES!

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Q: What is the Synonym of intermittent?
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Related questions

What is the synonym for occasional?

infrequent sometimes, periodically, at intervals or intermittent

Synonym or meaning of 'intermittent'?

periodic, alternate, irregular, seasonal, recurrent

What is a one word substitute for sporadic?

Another synonym is intermittent. You could also use the words random irregular occasional

What is the opposite word of intermittent?

The opposite of intermittent is continuous.

What is an example of a sentence using the word intermittent?

As intermittent means occurring at irregular intervals, a possible sentence could be:Because of the rugged terrain, the signal from the telecommunications tower was intermittent, and the lost hikers had difficulty using their mobile phones to call for help.

How do you use intermittent in a sentence?

(Intermittent - stopping and starting at intervals) During the summer, there are intermittent dust storms in the desert. NASA received only intermittent signals from the damaged spacecraft. We made only intermittent progress on the project.

What is an intermittent connection?

An intermittent connection would be a connection that is not constant. For example, if you have a light in your house that you have turned on and it flickers on and of, that would be intermittent, not constant light.

What is an intermittent parasite?

Intermittent Parasite is a parasite that visits and leaves the host at interval.

What is Intermittent - Intermittent?

Intermittent is an adjective describing a punctuated and or irregular set of instances. Wiper blades on a vehicle can be set to wipe intermittently, that is on a delay and not constantly active.

Why does a crankshaft sensor have intermittent loss?

intermittent loss indicates you need a new sensor

How many hours is intermittent?

You can't tell. "Intermittent" only means that something starts and stops.

What is acute intermittent porphyria also called?

Swedish porphyria, pyrroloporphyria, and intermittent acute porphyria.